Monday 18 November 2013

South Australia - End of the Odyssey

Having crossed the border, this time pre-empting the confiscation of fruit and veg for quarantine purposes and feeling very self righteous for having had the foresight to pre-cook all remaining carrots, kale, tomatoes & onions, we continued on our journey across the Great Australian Bight

The view from the top of the cliffs afforded a spectacular panorama, which brought to mind the song “On a Clear Day You Can See Forever”.  The cliffs appear to go on and on into the distance, and once again the water was crystal clear and as blue as blue.  The gale was still blowing though, evidenced by the dishevelled hairdo in photos, so not really appropriate for a picnic.

Unfortunately the road to the actual “Head of the Bight” was inaccessible, in that the caretakers close the gate at 4.30pm, so being a few minutes later than that, we passed by without visiting.  However there was a sign saying 0 Whales Today.  We feel very blessed that when we visited the spot a few years ago we saw some 150 odd whales and their babies.

Continued on to Streaky Bay, where we spent a couple of days with some old friends, feasting on snapper, squid & oysters, fresh from the Bay.
Seafood heaven !!

So now we are back in Aldinga, close to Trev’s Mum, and having spent time in Mannum & Keith on the way, where we caught up with cousins, we really are on the last leg so to speak.  The next few weeks will be taken up with spending time with rellies and friends, as well as cleaning up the van & getting the car serviced in readiness for their storage for the next however many months?  There is still a bit of red dust to extricate from little nooks & crannies, especially in the car.

We have had a wonderful time, enjoyed every second, and thank our God for safety on the road & continued excellent health.  It has been a trip of a lifetime and we wouldn’t change a moment.  Thank you all for following our journey, your encouragement and many prayers.  We are blessed indeed !!!

So until next time the STOCKS-ARE-ON-THE-ROAD,    Bye xxxxxxx

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