Wednesday 28 August 2013


Hi again

Arrived in Broome yesterday, and are really enjoying the cooler weather and being at the beach after spending weeks in the outback amid the red dust & rocky gorges, amazing as they have all been.

We will be here for a few days, and have already enjoyed two sunsets on the beach, watching the sun set over the water, something we have missed since living on the Eastern seaboard.  Last night we enjoyed some prawns with our wine, this evening we had a chicken salad, so doing it tough as you can see !!

We have heard a number of negative comments about Broome, being expensive etc, but our caravan park is no dearer than Darwin and so far our experience has been all positive.  We are at Cable Beach and there are some very spoofy resorts in the area, and a couple of 4 star caravan parks, but nothing wrong with the one we are in which is smaller and quieter, and just a walk to the beach.  The big tourist thing to do on Cable Beach is a sunset camel ride, but we are happy to watch others do that.  To be honest, having ridden a camel around the pyramids in Egypt, a camel on Cable Beach doesn't quite do it for us, nice as it would no doubt be.

Of course if you want to buy pearls, for which Broome is famous, you'll be up for a few bucks, but I have pearls, so Trev is safe there :-)  It's interesting to read of the history of the pearl industry here, and to learn of the numbers of Aboriginal, Japanese & Chinese pearl divers who were lost to either the bends or through cyclone devastation to the luggers used.  The old fashioned diving suits must have been so heavy and quite freaky to wear, relying on someone on the surface to make sure the air hoses were operating properly.  A far cry from the modern diving apparatus available today.  I would have died of fright had I been submerged in one of those suits!!!

It is nice to be able to relax for a few days before heading down the coast, & without the risk of crocodiles in the water, so who knows, we may even get to have a swim in the Indian Ocean.

Cheers xx

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