Sunday 11 August 2013

Still in Darwin

So yes, it's Monday morning and we obviously didn't leave Darwin on Saturday morning.  We did in fact move camps though, so are now parked at a reserve/polo cross park, and enjoying it so much better.  Have come to the conclusion that we are not particularly posh, (with all the bells & whistles) caravan park people, much preferring to be in an unpowered site with space & usually grass & a more bushy feel.  This place, Robbie Robbins Reserve is a great spot if you're heading to Darwin with a van.  They only had a set amount of vans in at a time, and only have full vans or buses/motor homes.  No pop-tops or camper vans - they say they look messy  & the committee won't allow them!!

As you may have spotted on Facebook, instead of getting to the markets on Thursday night, we spent the evening at the Emergency Department of Darwin Hospital, having slammed my thumb in the car door causing a somewhat serious & excruciatingly sore deep wound in said thumb.  We were treated quite quickly I thought, considering some in the waiting room were touting a 5hr wait for sure !! We were out in 2 1/2hrs sporting a 4 stitch, glued & steri-stripped digit & 2 needle punctured arms (Tetanus & local anaesthetic).  Oh - I forgot to mention the lump on head & sore butt from passing out in the van while Trev was looking for plasters.  I'm a worry :-)  but my poor, long-suffering husband was so lovely & appeased me with a pottle of wedges while we were waiting, so all is honky dory & I am absolutely fine.

Since then we have enjoyed looking around Darwin, including a drink at the Trailer Boat Club overlooking the water, a coffee at the Stokes Hill wharf and ate at the Mindil Beach markets last night, visited Darwin's excellent Museum & Art Gallery. Also had the water tanks fixed by a plumber, as one of the tanks wasn't draining into the other, we've put a basket on the roof to carry a 2nd spare tyre, and we've had some lovely relaxing time just mooching.

The market was interesting.  The car park was packed very early, and there must have been several thousand people there although many of them appeared to come for the food which they then took to the beach to watch the sun go down.  There were more food stalls than anything else, and with such a variety of cuisines it was difficult to choose.  Many came too for the live entertainment, and we spent some time watching & listening to a couple of guys, one on the most awesome and extensive drum kit, & the other playing a bank of 4 didgeridoos.  He was so talented, and the sounds he was coaxing from his instruments were so diverse & totally amazing.   A very enjoyable evening!!

We seriously are heading off tomorrow morning, but have really enjoyed our wee sojourn here in the Top End.

Trev getting up close & personal !! Rather him than me thanks !!

Sweetheart was the name given to a 5.1 metre saltwater crocodile responsible for a series of attacks on boats in Australia between 1974 and 1979. Sweetheart attacked outboard motors, dinghies, and fishing boats. In July 1979, Sweetheart was finally caught alive by a team from the Territory Parks and Wildlife Commission, but drowned while being transported when it became tangled with a log. 

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