Wednesday 4 September 2013

A Stitch in Time

Well, never a dull moment in the Stock household !!!  Our inconvenient fridge problem bringing us to Port Hedland, and causing us to stay last night in the industrial area & out front of the refrigeration mechanics workshop has turned out to be a blessing from God.

On taking the fridge out this morning to check the flue, it was discovered that the flue itself was twisted and up against the framework of the van.  Not sure how long it had been like that, but a bumpy road may have been the culprit.  The wood itself was burned black, and it would only have been a matter of time before the van caught fire !!! Who knows what the outcome could have been. We can only praise our God !! We are fortunate indeed.

The fridge is yet to be tested, but was going perfectly well on 240v & 12v, just the gas was a problem. Hopefully the flue issue fixed will rectify the problem and we can be on our way.  They are putting things back together as we speak.

We did watch the sun go down over the ships being loaded with ore at the Port last night, not far from here, and even though our van surroundings were less than scenic, we did have power and water, for which we were very grateful.  And it was a very quiet neighbourhood.  However life began here at 6am this morning so we were up with the birds.  It all adds to the adventure and life is never boring.

May not get to blog for a few days as will be in the bush, but hope to have some interesting bits & pieces to report next time.

Just an aside - am experiencing the annoyance of flies for the first time on this trip.  Guess they'll get worse from now on, so better get used to them & keep my mouth shut - when not in use  :-)


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