Thursday 12 September 2013

Beach Blob!!

Hey there

Just a quickie this time as not much to report.  We are still enjoying Gnoorea Point, sitting here looking out to sea, listening to the waves lapping, the sea breeze whistling through the awning & generally blobbing. Leisurely walks among the rocks & sand, to make sure we get that necessary dose of exercise.  My legs are appreciative of relative flat terrain to scramble over, instead of the rock climbing done on most gorge walks.

Just a note : I know I wouldn't have been able to cope with some of the ground we've covered prior to my change of lifestyle & loss of weight.  Apart from a lack of incentive to push myself,  I wouldn't have had the energy or stamina to even try.  So that in itself is making this trip so much more enjoyable not only for me, but for Trevor too.  He's not having to go climbing by himself :-)

Have already finished reading one book & another on the go. Trevor is loving having his laptop outside on the table, checking the market & taking a trade or two, all whilst enjoying the view & getting a healthy suntan at the same time.  It is a real bonus to be able to get wifi coverage, even if it does drop out occasionally.  But to top it all off, I am eating fresh oysters collected from the rocks just below the van - & boy, do they taste good.

As I write this we have a leg of lamb roasting in the BabyQ, so you can see we are really doing it tough!!

Must say it is nice to be cool, the highs of about 27-29 & the lows around 16 at night.  Very conducive to sleeping well.  Sunrise isn't too early here in WA either, so we aren't being woken in the "middle of the night" by the sun pouring in the windows.

I guess we'll stay here for a bit, perhaps until our water supply gets low - but we do have a couple of big tanks and so far we are being very frugal, so our water is lasting well.  I did enjoy the camping, but it is really nice to have some home comforts too - like a shower (albeit a real quick one) and a kitchen to cook in.

We plan to go from here to Onslow then Exmouth before heading down the coast, and with a few recommended spots to visit & maybe stay at, before landing in Carnarvon where we will probably stay for a bit.

So more later. Ciao for now.

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