Thursday 3 October 2013

Denham / Monkey Mia / Kalbarri

Had a pleasant evening in Denham, after visiting Shell Bay en route, which beach consists of tiny shells many metres deep.  It was a hot day, reaching about 36 degrees, but cooled down quickly and we enjoyed drinks & nibbles on the waterfront, then feasted on the freshest seafood as a special birthday treat.

This morning we left for Monkey Mia, resisting the pressure of getting there by 7.45am for the dolphin feeding.  Imagine our delight when we rocked up at the beach there at about 9.45am - walked straight down to the "dolphin interacting area" and lo and behold it was all happening.  A delightful dolphin mum turned up and cruised up and down the waters edge checking out all the visitors, then her little one came in too.  To see these wild creatures at such close quarters was just an amazing experience.  She had the most beautiful and expressive eyes, and knew exactly how to charm the crowd by turning on her side to check us out, and then turning over on the other side and playing the crowd again.

After the ranger delivered a spiel about dolphins for about 20mins he got everyone to move back on the beach from being ankle deep in the water, and this was apparently the signal for the rest of the dolphins to come in closer because they know that means the buckets of fish are coming down.  It was simply delightful to watch, and although we'd heard negative comments about it being commercialised and crowded, we found it to be perfectly charming & well worth the trip out there from Denham.  Certainly one of my highlights, and a very nice coffee at the resort restaurant was a real bonus too !!

Then we visited an aquarium overlooking another magnificent turquoise bay, saw tanks full of the local fish that are caught for food, and other varieties of local marine life, as well as some sharks which are fed regularly, so who were decidedly disinterested in the food offered.

It took us the rest of the day to drive on to Kalbarri, which is another lovely seaside town, however being the middle of the WA school holidays, the 3 caravan parks are all full, so we are staying at the Oval along with another 30-35 vans & motor homes in the same predicament.  There are some more gorges to explore in the National Park here, and a few other things before we head down the coast to Geraldton.

More soon xx

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