Sunday 27 October 2013


Hello again

We have been in Esperance for a few days and have a great spot overlooking the water on the Esplanade.  We have had a variety of weather and temperatures since we have been here, but are thoroughly enjoying it.

The first trip we did was on Saturday when we drove east to the Le Grand national park, taking in some gorgeous sandy bays and more granite rocks.  It reminds us a little of the Pink Granite Coast  or should I say Cote Granit Rose, Brittany, France where we spent a couple of weeks with our extended British family a few years ago.

The contrast of the granite rocks where they meet the blue water & the pure white sand is quite spectacular, and makes for a photographers hard to decide on the keepers later on when sorting the days photos.  We thought the water and sands of Coral Bay were magnificent, but the turquoise of the water here especially as it rolls over this brilliant white silica sand is nothing short of dazzling.  The sand itself is literally "squeaky" clean, even squeaking loudly when driven on.

On one of the beaches we were treated to the sight of a lone kangaroo standing on the sand nonchalantly observing the people going about their leisure activities, before he ambled into the undergrowth to graze a little, still oblivious to me with the camera. Such an unexpected little treat - don't expect to see roos on the beach !

Not particularly sunny in this spot, but lovely nevertheless

Yesterday we went to the local Baptist church - a small congregation of lovely friendly people, but this time unlike other occasions, we were the ONLY visitors, so of course we were noticed and therefore had to stay and have a cuppa.  The local market was still going strong when we left the church, so we wandered around the stalls in the sunshine.  Later drove in the other direction (west) to the town beaches & were wowed again by more pristine beaches with brilliant coloured sand and sea.

We have also been treated to some wonderful wildflowers in this area too.  We thought we had certainly missed the season, short as it was according to locals.  But here in Esperance the hills surrounding the beaches are covered in pinky-mauve coloured bushes, which bear a slight resemblance to the heather adorned banks & braes of Bonny Scotland.

Have to say we are really loving Esperance, it has more of a holiday feel than Albany, which surprised us considering so many West Aussies name Albany as their preferred holiday spot. However, it seems that a large number of Kalgoorlie people have holiday homes here, as it's only a 4hr trip, whereas Albany is 8hrs.  Likewise people from the eastern side of the wheat belt would more easily travel to Esperance.

Anyway we'll probably stay here for most of this week before taking on the Nullabor.  We have water views, wifi & a lovely coffee shop just down the road - what more could we want ??


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