Sunday 20 October 2013

Perth - Albany

Had a lovely day in Perth with Tom & Carol, visiting Kings Park overlooking Perth City, and down to Fremantle for a yummy fish meal on the wharf.  However, we are now into the cooler climes & the heat of the northern coast seems a distant memory now.

So, left Perth for places south - called to visit more old friends from Beverley, the Morells in Mandurah,  who fed us handsomely, and then drove on to stay at Busselton en route to the Margaret River area.  The weather took a turn for the worse and being wet and cold, we weren't able to do much other than meander through the winery district and appreciate the scenery from the warmth of our vehicle.

We made it through to Pemberton, diverting to Augusta & Cape Leeuwin, the most south westerly point of WA.  Leaving the Cape we are now officially heading East, being very satisfied that we have done all we wanted to do in WA.

Unfortunately the rain and cold persisted and on leaving Pemberton we were only able to call in to the site of the tree-top-walk of the Valley of the Giants (massive karri trees).  Some hardy Japanese tourists bedecked in plastic ponchos and huge umbrellas were taking on this awesome attraction, but having become a bit soft in the months of sun & surf, we opted for a couple of photo's then back in the warm car !!

The drive through to Albany was the most difficult and intense for the whole trip so far, with extremely high winds and at times torrential rain.  However, we made it without any hassles and were pleased to check into the Albany caravan park and indulge in a loverly hot shower after getting a bit damp doing the usual and necessary setting up stuff.

Church this morning, and a lovely coffee at Middleton Beach before lunch, and this afternoon relaxing and catching up with a few domestic things.  We plan to stay here for a few days as there are some interesting and historic spots to visit, before continuing east to Esperance.

Woohoo - sun has just come out, so tomorrow we might get some good pics of Albany.
More later xx

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