Friday 12 July 2013

Day 3 - Cania Gorge

After a trouble free first day on the road,  & having spent the night in our first free camp just north of Gayndah, we pushed on at a leisurely pace to meet up with Pete & Judy Hannah at Cania Gorge.  We did however, stop off for a coffee in Monto on the way.  A very good coffee it was too.  I think we will be availing ourselves of coffee stops whenever we can, as no doubt they will be few and far between the farther north we go.  Not that we are anal about our coffee, of course !!

We found Judy & Peter in good spirits, but ready to move on after being here at Cania Gorge Big 4, for a month now.  Peter has been busy helping around the place, but Judy is very much ready to get on the road again.

We enjoyed a few drinks & nibbles before being treated to the weekly "fish and chips night", with special treatment and extras for the staff.  So after the plebs were served their take away orders, we joined the staff & ate in style in the camp kitchen.  We always knew it was important to "know the right people", and last night was proof of that.

The park here is lovely, and we have been treated to a bevy of cheeky native birds virtually eating out of our hands.  Kookaburras, rosellas, king parrots all vying noisily for the little titbits dropped from our tables, totally un-phased by the four of us plus Hannah's cat just inches away from them.  A friendly bettong joined us around the campfire too, and enjoyed a few almonds whilst having his photo taken.

A 10km walk this morning to the dam and back has dealt to the exercise regime for a day or two - as we probably will find it hard to move out of bed in the morning.  We are moving on in the morning and will have a rest day sitting on our chuffs in the car, in readiness for a day at the Carnarvon Gorge - where no doubt Trevor will find a track or two for us to explore.

Getting cool, and time to light a fire methinks.  Cheers for now.

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