Sunday 28 July 2013

Tennant Creek to Mataranka

Haven't had much coverage for a few days, so a bit behind with the posts.  We have had an amazing few days meeting some very interesting people, at the same time acclimatising to the hotter temps.

This evening we are sitting under the palms & beautiful gums at Mataranka Homestead after having had a delicious swim in the hot springs here.  The water temp was perfect, warm but refreshing and an absolute oasis after the hot dusty road.  As I write Trevor is off with the mobile talking to NZ and showing them on FaceTime a visiting kangaroo who is just mooching about amongst the campers.  Excellent!! How cool is that?

There hasn't been too much to see on the road except the evidence of many bored drivers, who have amused themselves by pulling over and dressing the termite mounds in various kinds of apparel.
The garb has ranged from sweater, scarf & beanie at best, to a scant pair of knickers at worst.
Great entertainment for the passers by, although I have frustrated both myself and my dearly beloved by not being able to capture them on camera as we pass.  My reaction time is not what it could be in that regard, so I have now given up the pursuit.

Last night, our 45th anniversary, will remain a highlight of this trip I am sure.  Mid afternoon we pulled into the caravan park next to the Daly Waters pub which claims to be the oldest pub in the Northern Territory (and it certainly looked like it).

We were astounded at the number of vans, motor homes & camper vans packed into every available space in the paddock.  The park offered adequate if "rustic" facilities, but a cool shower after the dust and heat of the day was more than a blessing.

The pub was offering a Beef & Barra BBQ dinner, at a very reasonable price, and we had already determined to "eat out" for our anniversary.  They had 3 sittings for the meal, that's how many people were there, and we spent a very pleasant evening with a farming couple from Ceduna, SA taking the last sitting option, and staying on for the excellent entertainment.  Although I didn't catch the performer's name, he referred to himself as Chilli, and was a true blue Aussie bush poet-cum-singer, who entertained the crowd with yarns, poems & great Aussie songs.  Everyone had a ball, and it was fantastic value for money, both the food & the show.

So from our stop off at The Pebbles just out of Tennant Creek where we camped next to a Scottish couple, who make & drink their own whiskey, (in Australia) so no wonder they sleep well each night in the back of their Landcruiser.  Their camper trailer was just full of stores & their kitchen & their supply of whiskey.  Apparently the length of their trips depend on how long the whiskey lasts.

We picked the Pebbles as a spot because we could apparently get wifi coverage, and TV signal. Yay !!
The wifi was marginal, but enough to get our emails however the TV was a different story.  The lady a couple of vans away, assured us we could get at least 7 or 8 channels free to air.  Imagine the frustration when all Trev's attempts to tune it in resulted in "NO SIGNAL" !!  After some considerable time, of tuning and re-tuning it finally twigged that the aerial was not actually plugged in.  Offending aerial inserted in socket and hay presto crystal clear channels.  Just an embarrassed husband, but great TV!!

We will have a swim in the morning before heading to Katherine or thereabouts.  More later. Ciao.

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