Wednesday 17 July 2013

Emerald to Longreach

Left Emerald at a reasonable time this morning, although most of the nomads in the park were long gone before we got our act together.  But we did enjoy a breakfast of eggs & bacon, and a non-pressured pack up before we headed off.

It was an uneventful trip, although we cannot believe the amount of road-kill on the side of the road.
We have never seen as many dead animals - not only roos, but a couple of pigs, some hares, and even a couple of emus.  Very sad !!

However, it has been a good reminder that they are out there, and not to be on the road at dusk or early morning.  Also very glad that we did go ahead of put the bull-bar on the Pajero.  We hope we won't actually "need" it, but it is reassuring to know that it's sitting out front.

We didn't stop off at Sapphire or any of the other towns that are renowned for their gems.  We feel blessed to have been exposed to the gemstones and fossils at Opals Down Under, and are not in the actual fossicking mode, with our eyes firmly set on the Kimberley & West Australian coastline.  Am sure we will have the opportunity to explore this region of Queensland on another occasion.

We did stop at Barcaldine and take photos of the Tree of Knowledge, the birthplace of the Australian Labour Party, and a memorial to the Shearers Strike of 1891.  Loved the pub in the main street too, called "Cuzzy Bros" it had a distinctive Kiwi feel, but was displaying maroon balloons, and obviously bracing for a good night for State of Origin rugby league.  Nice to see a trans-Tasman thing happening.

So now the maroons have won, and there will be a few happy Queenslanders around town tonight. Can't hear any celebrating around the park here - perhaps everyone is in bed already - or perhaps they're all from NSW ?

Stockmans Hall of Fame & the Qantas Museum tomorrow, then on to Winton and the Dinosaur fossils, before heading for Mount Isa.

Loving this temperature.  Was 28-30 earlier, but now lovely cool night for sleeping.  Goodnight all.

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