Saturday 20 July 2013

Longreach to Mount Isa

The Apex Free-camp at Longreach was a sight to behold with 60+ caravans and motor homes filling the space, but there was room for all, and apart from a bit of wind and dust it was quite OK, and not far out of town.

We started the day with the Qantas Museum which was extremely interesting, and the explanatory video presentation using really old footage from the first inception of Queensland and Northern Territory Airline Services put everything in perspective and gave a great overview of the people, time & places where it all happened.

We then went over the road to the Stockmans Hall of Fame, which was equally well done and a great record & tribute to the pioneers of the region.  Some of the exhibits and video presentations were similar to that of the Qantas Museum, so we felt well informed by the end of the day.

We checked out the Stockmans Store, and a brilliant photographic exhibition in the main street, but the other attractions on offer didn't particularly appeal.  We filled up our day, then had another night with the  new lot of campers who descended upon us in their droves, taking up the spaces left by the morning's departees.  We decided to keep moving on west.  Setting off reasonably early we had a good look around Winton, and in particular spent a bit of time at the Dinosaur Centre.  Their collection of dinosaur fossils was amazing, and the way it was all pieced together with computer generated visuals made the "pile of bones" (2 different species they've named Banjo & Matilda), come to life.  It was well worth a visit.

The Waltzing Matilda Centre was our next port of call, where Banjo Pattersons immortal song is illuminated in a number of different ways, and particularly clever was a holograph exhibit using well known Aussies, to talk about the spirit of Australia.  Very cool.

Leaving Winton mid afternoon, we made it to a rest area just east of Kynuna.  It was a lovely balmy evening & we sat outside enjoying the ambience, and then the company of the guy in the van next door who was travelling alone and obviously desperate for someone to talk to.  We had a great nights sleep in spite of the three road trains we shared the space with, didn't hear them arrive or leave, but were well aware of their compressors at one stage when awake briefly.  Our neighbour however, didn't fare so well and was very grumpy about his lack of sleep, this morning.

The cool breeze during the evening was very pleasant through our open windows, but getting a bit stronger in the morning it created a bit of dust in the van which wasn't quite so pleasant.  But nothing a dustpan & brush, and nice damp cloth can't cope with.

So today has been a drive through McKinlay, stopping at Walkabout Creek Hotel of "Crocodile Dundee" fame, for the obligatory photo opportunity.  It was too early to go inside, but we met some fellow travellers out front and had a chat for a few minutes before continuing on to Conclurry and then through to Mount Isa, where we are now settled in for a couple of nights.

We'll try to go to church tomorrow, and explore the Isa a bit before continuing on probably on Monday.
From here we plan a camping detour to Lawn Hill, but haven't finalised where we'll leave the van or how long we will go for, probably 2 or 3 nights, but a chance to try out our new tent which will be fun.

Was warm yesterday, but cooler today & this evening.  More later - ciao for now.

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